Linux and macOS native installer users can identify which database server is used in the stack by running the command below: $ test -d installdir/mariadb & echo 'MariaDB' || echo 'MySQL'
On account of these changes, the file paths and commands stated in this guide may change depending on whether your Bitnami stack uses MySQL or MariaDB. NOTE: We are in the process of modifying the configuration for many Bitnami stacks. Learn more about the Bitnami stack environment and about OS X VMs.
On OS X VMs, the installation directory is /opt/bitnami and OS X VM users can click the “Open Terminal” button to run commands.
Before running the commands shown on this page, you should load the Bitnami stack environment by executing the installdir/use_APPNAME script (Linux and MacOS) or by clicking the shortcut in the Start Menu under “Start -> Bitnami APPNAME Stack -> Application console” (Windows).